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technical parameter
Description: Coriolis Force Mass Flowmeter is an ultra-compact sensor for minimal flow measurement. The split instrument has a maximum of 4 input/output channels.
Application: Coriolis force measurement principle is not affected by the physical characteristics of fluid (such as viscosity or density); high-precision measurement of very small flow of liquid and gas; ideal choice for prying integration
Features: Nominal caliber: DN 1... 6 (1/24... 1/4")
Process pressure: maximum 400 bar (5,800 psi)
Medium Temperature: Maximum + 205 C (+401 F) split instrument with 4 input/output backlight display, touch key control, WLAN access sensor and transmitter connected through standard cable
Advantages: Low Installation Cost: Integrated Single Measuring Tube Structural Design
Less number of process measurement points: multi-variables (flow, density, temperature)
Installation space required is small: the length of straight pipe section without front or back requires that all process information and diagnostic information be viewed: multiple custom input/output combination modes and fieldbus are provided
Reducing complexity and variability: user-defined input/output settings
With Check Function: Heartbeat Technology